23 Nov 23 Swap Meeting & Hunting Night

7pm Kemblawarra Portuguese Sports & Social Club. At our Swap meeting it’s an opportunity to buy & sell equipment from members. Please bring along anything you may want to sell or swap. If you have firearms, gun powder or ammunition to sell, please bring photos only.  No firearms or ammunition allowed on display in the

2023-09 Calendar of Events Sept to Dec

All SSAA (NSW) Illawarra Branch events are organised & held for Illawarra Branch members, due to limited space being available, members of other SSAA Branches can only attend if/when space is available by invitation and with a confirmed booking a minimum of 24 hours before the event. Anyone arriving at the event without a confirmed

Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex, Hill Top

The Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex, 50m Range is now open for Club bookings only. The 500m & 800m ranges remain closed until further notice while an operational and safety review is conducted. For more information, visit the NSW Office of Sport website: Southern Highlands Regional Shooting Complex | NSW Government

2022-03-31 General Meeting of the SSAA (NSW) Illawarra Branch Inc. Pistol Club

AGENDA INAUGURAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SSAA (NSW) ILLAWARRA BRANCH Inc. PISTOL CLUB Venue:  Kemblawarra Portuguese Club, 156 Shellharbour Rd, Kemblawarra. Date:     7pm Thursday 31st of March 2022   1) ESTABLISHING A BRANCH PISTOL CLUB Motion:        “That the meeting resolves to establish a Branch Pistol Club.” MOVED:                                          SECONDED:                                  Motion: Carried/Lost   2) BRANCH PISTOL CLUB